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Domingo, 10 Julho 2016 21:00

COP21 will mark the end of the cycle for REDD+ negotiations under the UNFCCC Destaque

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The definitions agreed in Bonn past June should mark the end of negotiations on REDD+ under the UNFCCC

The methodological discussions necessary to move forward in the implementation of REDD+ under the United Nations Framework-Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) were closed on 8 June at the Bonn Climate Change Conference, in Germany. The 42nd session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice - SBSTA, responsible for these discussions, defined a set of three draft decisions to be submitted to the parties and ratified during COP21, in Paris, addressing the remaining needs for further guidance of developing countries wishing to implement REDD+. The definitions agreed during the 42nd session of the SBSTA concern: 1. Safeguards: the draft decision defines that the existing framework of guidelines is sufficient for the full implementation of REDD+ activities.  2. Alternative Policy Approaches: the draft decision decides that donors may provide resources and technical support for such initiatives. Developing countries that wish to develop such activities will have access to UNFCCC online platform as a means to share their experiences and information. Joint Mitigation and Adaptation approaches for the integral and sustainable management of forests are examples of Alternative Policy Approach. 3. Non-carbon benefits: the draft decision concludes that benefits unrelated to carbon do not constitute a requirement for developing countries to receive support for the implementation of REDD+ activities or to receive results-based payments. The countries are, however, encouraged to consider, evaluate and report on such benefits, where appropriate, in accordance with their national circumstances and capabilities. According to Leticia Guimarães, Climate Change and Forests Manager of Ministry of the Environment and a member of the Brazilian delegation in Bonn, "We are closing the REDD+ negotiations with the submission of these draft decisions, they shall now be ratified at COP21 in Paris. Now developing countries move into the implementation phase, following the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ and other relevant decisions under the UNFCCC. This includes this last decision on the information to be included in the summary of information on implementation of the Cancun safeguards for REDD+. " The SBSTA is a subsidiary body of the UNFCCC that promotes meetings and discussion among international experts in climate change and negotiators. It has REDD+ related issues as one its focuses.  Click here to access the SBSTA’s 42nd session report

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