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Estratégia Nacional para REDD+

Last Updated: Thursday, 03 February 2022 16:47

The National REDD+ Strategy

  Click here to download Brazil’s National REDD+ Strategy. Click here to download the Executive Summary of the National REDD+ Strategy.     On December 2nd, 2015, the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, through Ordinance No. 370, established the National REDD+ Strategy (ENREDD+ for the acronym in Portuguese). Its overall objective is to contribute to climate change mitigation...

Registrado em: Estratégia Nacional para REDD+

Last Updated: 27/09/2019, 11h10

  • publicado
  • 04/11/16
  • 14h08

Development of the National REDD+ Strategy

The debate about a National REDD+ Strategy began in 2010, under the coordination of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA for the acronym in Portuguese). At the time, the "REDD+ Brasil"...

  • não publicado
  • 03/11/16
  • 17h24
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