Legal and public policy framework
Access PPCDAm and PPCerrado’s new context document (Portuguese only).
Brazil has a robust legal and public policy framework to guide the actions that produce REDD+ results. The National REDD+ Strategy aims to maximize the positive impacts of the actions in place and to promote synergy and integration among them.
The National REDD+ Strategy has as one of its specific objectives “to improve the monitoring and impact assessment of public policies for REDD+, in order to maximize their contribution to global climate change mitigation (…)”. The main tool to enable that will be an impact matrix, to support the assessment of the effectiveness and efficacy of several public policies that contribute to the achievement of REDD+ results. The information produced will be crucial to inform decision-making regarding the investment of new REDD+ resources and to explore the potential for complementarity among the existing policies and initiatives.
National REDD+ Strategy public policy framework.
From a strategic perspective, the National Policy on Climate Change and the Forest Code provide the overarching guidelines for Brazil’s REDD+ actions.
On the tactical-operational level, the Action Plans for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation are the main instruments to coordinate REDD+ initiatives on the biome scale. The Amazon and the Cerrado are the two biomes that have action plans under implementation, the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm for the acronym in Portuguese), since 2004, and the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation and Forest Fires in the Cerrado (PPCerrado for the acronym in Portuguese), since 2010.
Access PPCDAm and PPCerrado’s new context document (Portuguese only).
The nine states in the Legal Amazon region have their own state action plans, which follow a model that is similar to the one adopted by the federal plans. The federal and state plans are periodically reviewed to reflect the latest developments in issues related to land tenure, forest governance, indigenous peoples and traditional communities, the dynamics of deforestation and its main drivers.
The PPCDAm and the PPCerrado interface with other sectorial plans for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, namely: the National Plan for Low Carbon Emission in Agriculture (ABC Plan) and the Sustainable Charcoal for iron and steel production Plan.
The Amazon Fund, a groundbreaking initiative under a results-based payments scheme, and the National Climate Change Fund are the main financial instruments for financing REDD+ related mitigation actions in Brazil. They are both directed by multi sectoral committees chaired by the Ministry of the Environment, in partnership with the Brazilian Development Bank.
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