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Página inicial > Legal and public policy framework > Other relevant national public policies
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Other relevant national public policies

Published: Thursday, 03 November 2016 16:14 | Last Updated: Thursday, 11 October 2018 18:48



The National REDD+ Strategy seeks to promote consistency and synergies among climate change, forest and biodiversity policies. We list below the most relevant components of the federal legal and public policy framework:


 Climate Change

- National Policy on Climate Change (PNMC): Law No. 12,187/2009 and Decree No 7,390/2010;

- National Climate Change Plan: Decree No 6,263/2008;

- Amazon Fund: Decree No 6,527/2008.



- Forest Code: Law No. 12,651/2012;

- Public Forests Management Law: Law No. 11,284/2006;

- Green Grant: Decree No. 7,572/2011;

- Atlantic Forest Law: Law No. 11,428/2006.



- National Conservation Units System: Law No. 9,985/2000;

- Priority Areas for Conservation, Sustainable Use and Biodiversity Benefits Sharing: Decree No. 5,902/2004 and Ordinance No. 09/2007 by the Ministry of the Environment;

- Amazon Region Protected Areas Programme - ARPA: Decree No. 8,505/2015.


The National REDD+ Strategy, in compliance with the REDD+ safeguards, also pays especial attention to indigenous peoples’ issues, taking guidance from the following instruments:


Indigenous Peoples

- Article 231 of the Federal Constitution;

- Indigenous Peoples' Statute: Law No. 6,001/1973;

- National Policy for Environmental and Territorial Management of Indigenous Lands: Decree No. 7,747/2012.



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