Information Hub
The Lima REDD+ Information Hub The Warsaw Framework for REDD+ established an information hub, under the UNFCCC REDD+ Web Platform (decision 9/CP.19), later named the Lima REDD+ Information Hub - during COP-20. The purpose of the Lima Info Hub is to increase transparency on REDD+ actions, on the corresponding payments, as well as on information related to the requirements to obtain and receive results-based finance. Once the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) process is finalized, and all the documentation regarding REDD+ results and the requirements for obtaining results-based payments are available, these will be published, along with the respective assessment report, in the Lima REDD+ Information Hub. The Lima REDD+ Information Hub should contain: (a) The results for each relevant period expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year and a link to the technical report referred to in decision 14/CP.19, paragraph 14; (b) The assessed forest reference emission level(s) and/or forest reference level(s) expressed in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year and a link to the final report of the technical assessment team referred to in decision 13/CP.19, paragraph 18; (c) The summary of information on how all of the safeguards referred to in decision 1/CP.16, appendix I, are being addressed and respected, as referred to in decisions 12/CP.19 and 12/CP.17, chapter I; (d) A link to the national strategy or action plan as referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 71(a), as appropriate; (e) Information on the national forest monitoring system, as provided in the technical annex referred to in decision 14/CP.19. The Lima REDD+ Information Hub, by compiling all the relevant documentation related to REDD+ results-based payments requirements, provides developing countries with the opportunity to showcase their results to potential donors, with due international recognition. This platform mitigates the risk of double counting of results and of payments made for these results. It can also serve as a tool to enhance the sharing of information to improve the coordination of actions and support. Brazil is proud to be the first country to have its results posted on the Lima Info hub, which took place during the event that launched the Info Hub at COP-21, in Paris, France.
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