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Domingo, 10 Julho 2016 21:00

National REDD+ Strategy Launch and other Updates

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The Ministry of Environment (MMA for the acronym in Portuguese)) is pleased to announce the National REDD+ Strategy (ENREDD+ for the acronym in Portuguese) launch event. The event will take place on 6 April in Brasilia. The first meeting of the National REDD+ Committee (CONAREDD+ for the acronym in Portuguese) will take place on April 7 also in Brasilia. More details will be made available soon. The Climate Change and Forests Unit has been working intensively in these first months of 2016 to set in motion the implementation of the ENREDD+. In November 2015, the Decree No. 8,576 established the CONAREDD+, which will be responsible for coordinating, overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the ENREDD+. In order to carry out these tasks, its members will have to be appointed, its Rules of Procedure agreed and Thematic Advisory Boards created, these issues should form the agenda of the first meeting. The MMA, acting as the Executive Secretariat of the CONAREDD+, has already received the nominations of representatives from the federal and state governments. The Brazilian State Environmental Entities Association has nominated representatives from the states of Mato Grosso and Acre as members and from Para and Rondonia as alternate members. The selection of the two representatives from organized civil society in the CONAREDD+ will take place at a meeting of the Brazilian Forum on Climate Change. Everybody is invited to take part in the meeting on 11 March. The expectation is that the selection will enable the participation of the various sectors interested in the implementation of REDD+ in Brazil, especially traditional communities and indigenous peoples. The Ordinance to appointment the CONAREDD+ members will be issued by the MMA as soon as the Executive Secretariat receives the nominations of all representatives. The Executive Secretariat is also preparing documents to support the operations of the CONAREDD+ and its Thematic Advisory Boards. This material will be available on this website soon, so that stakeholders can submit their contributions and suggestions before the document is submitted for validation by the CONAREDD+ members. The MMA maintains ongoing informal communication with representatives of partner institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector to address key aspects of the implementation of REDD+ in Brazil. The relationship with stakeholders will be strengthened by the process of "Dialogues about the ENREDD+ with the Brazilian Society”, currently in its planning stage. Keep visiting our website for more updates. If have any question and/or suggestions, do not hesitate, contact us on the email: Meeting of the Brazilian Forum on Climate Change for the selection of representatives from civil society in the CONAREDD+ Date: 04/11/2016 10:00 14:00 Location: Auditorium of the Ministry of Environment Address: SEPN 505, Block "B", Marie Prendi Cruz Building, Postal Code: 70730-505 - Brasília - DF

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