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Domingo, 10 Julho 2016 21:00

Brazil takes part in REDD+ voluntary meeting Destaque

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The 3rd voluntary meeting of REDD+ national entities and focal points took place during the Climate Change Conference in Bonn, on 23 May 2016. The goal of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for countries to share their experiences and lessons learned in the implementation of REDD+ and to promote discussion on the needs and challenges for its funding (click here to see the agenda). Leticia Guimaraes, the Ministry's Forest and Climate Change Manager, presented Brazil's experience in the implementation of the Warsaw Framework for REDD+. Brazil was the first country to complete the process to have its REDD+ results recognized under the UNFCCC and inserted in the Lima REDD+ Information Hub. Click here to see Brazil's presentation . The Latin American Working Group on REDD+ results-based finance presented a Joint Declaration to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). This Declaration aims to provide guidance to the GCF on key aspects regarding the procedures to operationalize REDD+ results-based payments, taking into account the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ and the GCF's results-based payment Logic Model. The Latin American countries that signed the Declaration enumerated the following issues as priorities: resource allocation for results-based payments, operational package, payment transfer methods and the absence of need for further reporting requirements.   Click here to see the Declaration (available in Spanish only).
Brazil's REDD+ Focal Point The Decree No. 8.576/2015 defined that the Chair of the National REDD+ Committee, the Ministry of the Environment, will be Brazil's REDD+ focal point to the UNFCCC.
Voluntary Meetings The voluntary meetings, encouraged by decision 10/CP.19 , aim to provide the oportunity for countries to share their experiences and discuss the challenges in the implementation of REDD+. Click here to learn more about it.

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