The Environmental Rural Registry (CAR)
Links and Downloads
Access the federal legislation on CAR (Portuguese only)
Definition and purpose
The Environmental Rural Registry (CAR, in Portuguese) is a mandatory digital registration, which aims to integrate environmental information regarding the property. Created by the New Forest Code, Law 12,651/2012 (portuguese only), the CAR provides a database of strategic information for monitoring and combating deforestation and degradation of native vegetation in private rural properties, as well as for environmental and economic planning in rural regions.
In the terms of Law 12,651/2012, the CAR gathers information of all rural properties regarding the situation of:
● Permanent Preservation Areas;
● Legal Reserve Areas;
● Forests and remnants of native vegetation;
● Restricted Use Areas;
● Consolidated Productive Areas.
The CAR aims to promote compliance by Brazilian rural producers with Law 12,651/2012, whenever properties registered present fractions of native vegetation below what was defined by the Law. Registered farmers qualify for tax exemptions, related to their preserved areas, and do not have to face credit restrictions and other legally prescribed sanctions.
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