REDD+ results for Cerrado biome is submitted to the UNFCCC
For the first time, the Brazil Biennial Update Report brings two annexes on REDD+, with results achieved in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes
The Third Biennial Update Report (BUR) of Brazil was submitted to the Climate Convention (UNFCCC) on March 2, 2019. The document represents compliance with decision 2/CP.17, which requires Parties to the Convention to provide updates of their most recent national communications. The report also includes additional information on the mitigation actions undertaken in the period, as well as their effects, necessary and received support. REDD+ results are also reported in the BUR, through a Technical Annex, which is subject to a specific technical assessment.
Brazil has submitted REDD+ Technical Annexes since its first BUR in December 2014. That report brought results of reduction of emissions from deforestation (RED) achieved in the Amazon biome between 2006 and 2010, at a significant accumulated value of 2.97 billion tCO2 for the period. In March 2017, within the second BUR, the Brazil reported the RED results achieved in the Amazon between 2011 and 2015. The accumulated result in the period was even higher, of 3.15 billion tCO2, which made possible to raise funds for the REDD+ Early Movers Acre program and for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Pilot Program for REDD+.
It should be noted that the technical assessment process for REDD+ evaluates the methodological consistency between calculations of the results and the emission values used in the construction of the forest emission reference level (FREL). For both submissions, the calculations presented by Brazil proved to be accurate, consistent, complete and transparent. The technical quality of the submissions is provided by the Working Group of Technical Experts on REDD+ (GTT REDD+) established in 2014 to organize technical inputs and provide clarification to international experts during the verification process under the UNFCCC. For the third BUR sent by Brazil, the GTT REDD+ evaluated the process of elaborating the contents of the technical annexes for the Cerrado and Amazon biomes during its nineth meeting in August 2018, agreed to the communication strategy of the results by two different technical annexes for each biome.

Click here to access the Third Biennial Update Report of Brazil
Click here to access the previous BUR submissions:
First BUR submitted in December 2014 - RED results for the Amazon biome reached in 2006 and 2010
Second BUR submitted in January 2017 - RED results for the Amazon biome reached in 2011 and 2015
Click here to access other Brazilian REDD + submissions to the Climate Convention
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