The National REDD+ Committee (CONAREDD+), established by Decree No. 8,576 (Portuguese only), is responsible for coordinating, overseeing and monitoring the implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy. The Committee is formed by the following ministries: i) Environment, as its chair; ii) Finance; iii) Foreign Affairs; iv) Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply; v) Agrarian Development; vi) Science, Technology and Innovation; vii) Government Secretariat; and viii) Office of the Chief of Staff of the Presidency. Two representatives from state governments, one from municipalities and two from civil society are invited to be members of the National REDD+ Committee. The Ministry of the Environment’s Ordinances No. 91/2016, 117/2016 and 242/2016 (Portuguese only) designated the representatives of each institution.
The Ministry of the Environment will also perform the Executive Secretariat functions for the National REDD+ Committee, being responsible for: preparing, based on inputs produced by the Working Group of Technical Experts on REDD+, the technical documents to access REDD+ results-based payments; developing and implementing the REDD+ Safeguards Information System; preparing, based on inputs from the relevant Thematic Advisory Board, the summary of information on the implementation of the REDD+ safeguards; proposing, based on the results of REDD+ actions, the annual fundraising limits and the minimum price per tonne of CO2e for results-based payments; issuing certificates in recognition of results-based payments received; and presenting, at the international level, information to publicize the achieved REDD+ results and related payments on the Lima REDD+ Information Hub.
The National REDD+ Committee may establish ad hoc Thematic Advisory Boards to support its work. These Boards will be formed by stakeholders and experts from civil society, public and private entities invited by the National REDD+ Committee. Broad society engagement through the Thematic Advisory Boards is a key element for the successful REDD+ implementation in Brazil throughout all its stages.
The Working Group of Thecnical Experts on REDD+, responsible for providing technical inputs for the Measuring, Reporting and Verifying process of REDD+ results under UNFCCC may also support the Committee. The Working Group of Technical Experts on REDD+ is composed of experts from universities and reputable federal institutions in the fields of forest cover and land use monitoring, as well as on measuring anthropogenic emissions and removals in the forest sector.
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