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Definition of Safeguards

Publicado em Tuesday, 05 July 2016 00:00 | Voltar à página anterior

Concepts: safeguards and the Safeguards Information System (SIS) REDD+ safeguards are guidelines that aim at enhancing the positive and reducing the negative impacts of REDD+ activities. In this sense, REDD+ actions must anticipate risks and set measures to predict, minimize, mitigate or deal with negative impacts from a given activity. According to the final report of the specialists' workshop (UNEP/CBD/WS-REDD/1/3, 2010), that took place in Nairobi, Kenya, the main REDD+ relate risks identified until now are:

  • The conversion of natural forests to plantations and other land uses of low biodiversity value and low resilience; and the introduction of growing of biofuel crops;
  • Displacement of deforestation and forest degradation to areas of lower carbon value and high biodiversity value;
  • Increased pressure on non-forest ecosystems with high biodiversity value;
  • Afforestation in areas of high biodiversity value.
  • The loss of traditional territories and restriction of land and natural resource rights;
  • Lack of tangible livelihood benefits to indigenous peoples and local communities and lack of equitable benefit sharing;
  • Exclusion from designing and implementation of policies and measures;
  • Loss of traditional ecological knowledge.

The diversity of existing approaches (projects, programs, agreements, funds) is a challenge to the implementation of safeguards in the Brazilian context and, until now, there is no national definition about what does or does not qualify as REDD+ initiative, a clearer definition of requirements is still to come. Regardless of the approach, the current understanding is that all REDD+ initiatives must respect safeguards, as well as nationaly set principles and criteria designed for REDD+. There are many reasons why Brazil needs a National SIS for REDD+ (SISREDD). This system will enable the country to track and provide high-quality information about the implementation of REDD+ safeguards in a simplified way to all the stakeholders. These information will guide the development and redesign of REDD+ initiatives, provide inputs for public policies and support decision makers. In addition to that, the SISREDD will promote transparency about the impact of REDD+ activities, promoting a better environment to potential investors and donors to REDD+.

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