Developing the Strategy
Starting in June 2010, the Ministry of the Environment coordinated the debate to develop Brazil's National REDD+ Strategy. In July 2011, the Interministerial Working Group on REDD+ (IWG) began working on building a shared vision within the federal government that would allow placing REDD+ as an instrument of the National Policy on Climate Change. The group was coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment (MMA, in Portuguese) and comprised the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Presidency, Strategic Affairs Secretariat (SAE, in Portuguese), Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA, in Portuguese), Ministry of Cience Technology and Innovation (MCTI, in Portuguese), Ministry of Finance (MF), National Indigenous Peoples Foundation (Funai, in Portuguese), Brazilian Forest Service (SFB, in Portuguese), Ministry of Foreign Relations (MRE, in Portuguese), Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA, in Portuguese) and Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management (MP, in Portuguese). Eight meetings were held in 2011, which resulted in a draft text discussed by the Interministerial Working Group on REDD+.
During 2012, three meetings were held, which sought not only to develop the text for the National Strategy, but also to establish a pact at the technical level about the key aspects of the National REDD+ Strategy. In August 2012, the Ministry of the Environment had technical bilateral meetings with representatives from the IWG to further discuss the text. At this stage, contributions were synthesized as notes to inform the high-level meetings.
In parallel with the bilateral meetings, a Task Force on REDD+ with representatives from Amazonian states was created to build a common understanding around key issues. Coordinated by the Office of the Chief of Staff and with the participation of MMA, MF, MCTI, MRE and MP, the process aimed at building a common view for REDD+ and improving the Amazon Fund. In the second semester of 2012, MMA's Secretariat of Climate Change and Environmental Quality received representatives from the civil society and the private sector, which brought their contributions to the discussions on the Startegy.
Building upon these consultations and the dialogue with the states, the IWG met again in November 2012 and a draft text of the National REDD+ Strategy (ENREDD+, in Portuguese) was submitted for evaluation by the Executive Group (GEx) of the Interministerial Committee on Climate Change (CIM, in Portuguese) in January 2013. A round of evaluation, in early 2013, resulted in the incorporation of new contributions, comments and responses, discussed during another meeting of the group in late February.
In December 2013, the text was updated to harmonize the decisions of the Warsaw Framework on REDD+, agreed at COP-19, and then returned to GEx for new contributions. A new version was consolidated by MMA in 2014, with the inputs gathered since 2010 and the new contributions. In 2015, as the porposal was going through the process of interministerial deliberation, the MMA intensified the dialogue with civil society, local states and indigenous peoples representatives with a series of meetings about REDD+ under the UNFCCC and the ENREDD+.
In 27 November 2015, the Federal Decree No. 8,576 was published, it established the National Comission on REDD+ (CONAREDD+, in portuguese). The Comission is composed of representatives from: 1. Ministry of the Environment, which will preside it; 2. the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Presidency; 3. Ministry of Foreign Relations; 4. Ministry of Finance; 5. Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Food Supply; 6. Ministry of Cience Technology and Innovation; 7. Ministry of Agrarian Development; 8. Secretariat of Government of the Presidency; 9. state environmental bodies (two representatives); 10. municipal environmental bodies; 11. Civil Society (two representatives). The CONAREDD+ will be responsible for coordinating and setting guidelines for the implementation of the ENREDD+. The Presidential Decree tasked the Minister of State for the Environment with issuing the ENREDD+, what has materialized with the publication of Ordinance No. 370.
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