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Domingo, 10 Julho 2016 21:00

Brazil Submits its Climate Action Plan Ahead of 2015 Paris Agreement Destaque

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Bonn, 28 September 2015 – The Federative Republic of Brazil submitted its new climate action plan to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) comes well in advance of a new universal climate change agreement which will be reached at the UN climate conference in Paris, in December this year. This INDC and all others submitted by countries are available on the UNFCCC website here. Including Brazil, 83 parties to the UNFCCC have formally submitted their INDCs. The UNFCCC secretariat provides relevant background data for Brazil in the PDF below. The Paris agreement will come into effect in 2020, empowering all countries to act to prevent average global temperatures rising above 2 degrees Celsius and to reap the many opportunities that arise from a necessary global transformation to clean and sustainable development. UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres is encouraging countries to come forward with their INDCs as soon as they are able, underlining their commitment and support towards this successful outcome in Paris. Governments agreed to submit their INDCs in advance of Paris. All information such as documentation on designing and preparing INDCs as well as on sources of support for INDC preparation, is available here. Countries have agreed that there will be no back-tracking in these national climate plans, meaning that the level of ambition to reduce emissions will increase over time.
Download here the Brazillian INDC

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