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Página inicial > Finance > Assuntos > Acompanhamento e a análise de impacto das políticas públicas
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Acompanhamento e a análise de impacto das políticas públicas

Last Updated: Friday, 17 November 2023 11:21

Legal and public policy framework

  Access PPCDAm and PPCerrado’s new context document (Portuguese only).   Brazil has a robust legal and public policy framework to guide the actions that produce REDD+ results. The National REDD+ Strategy aims to maximize the positive impacts of the actions in place and to promote synergy and integration among them.   The National REDD+ Strategy has as one of its specific...

Registrado em: Acompanhamento e a análise de impacto das políticas públicas

Last Updated: 11/10/2018, 18h38

  • publicado
  • 03/11/16
  • 18h05

State legal framework

The National REDD+ Strategy aims to promote consistency and synergies among climate change, forest and biodiversity related policies at the federal, state and municipal levels.   In...

  • não publicado
  • 03/11/16
  • 16h15

National Plan for Low Carbon Emission in Agriculture (ABC Plan)

    The ABC Plan is one of the sectorial plans devised under the National Policy on Climate Change. Its overall objectives are: reducing greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions in...

  • não publicado
  • 03/11/16
  • 16h14

Other relevant national public policies

    The National REDD+ Strategy seeks to promote consistency and synergies among climate change, forest and biodiversity policies. We list below the most relevant components of...

  • não publicado
  • 03/11/16
  • 16h14


With the sharp decline of deforestation in the Amazon, achieved to a great extent due to the implementation of the PPCDAm, the Cerrado biome takes a central role in maintaining greenhouse...

  • não publicado
  • 03/11/16
  • 16h13
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